Single father to a special needs child, divorce survivor, death of his father and sister, and how a man completely changed his life and beat
the odds.

How does a man lose 150 lb. keep it off, and in record time become a top Fitness consultant?
Marco’s new book "Starving to be Fat" chronicles the permanent weight loss of Marco Girgenti. A transformation so powerful that it caught the attention of the producer's of the Oprah Winfrey Show. About 2% of people that lose weight actually manage to keep it off; Marco has done it for nearly a decade. How did he do it? On a plane to New York, Marco could not get the seat belt around his stomach, and when the lady beside him turned and said: "sir, can you please move? You are too fat to sit here," Marco all too painfully knew that she was right, and that it was time to make massive changes. Hear the story of a survivor. A failed marriage, caring single-handedly for his special needs son, the death of his father and sister, and of course; how he beat the fat that threatened his very life. From throwing up all over himself in full view of other people on
his first day at a gym, to an epic battle with low self-esteem and how a former fat guy wound up in a relationship with a fitness model, "Starving to be Fat", taps into everything an overweight person is feeling as only the experience of someone who has lived it can, and arms you with the weaponry needed to win back control of your life.
Recently, with no systems training or knowledge of a company’s workings, as a manager, he stepped in and invested in his staff, empowering and motivating them. He treated them as “people”, not subordinates. In the shortest business month of the year, and with the country neck deep in recession, Marco and his team shattered a record and obliterated their quota.
For bookings, please visit his online site at:
To see a video, please visit:
tel: 416.981.3131
email: info@marcog.com
To see a video, please visit:
tel: 416.981.3131
email: info@marcog.com
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